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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso 3.2 - Yitzchak Diena (debut)

On to our next Chabura. For this Chabura we are zoche to have one of our new members! It is about a fascinating topic - The Jewish leap year - "Ibur Yur" that I am sure most of us don't know much about - so it will be very informative and definitely relevant this year. Make sure to soak in the new yedios haTorah, and whatever you don't like about it, let Yitz know!

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Hi Yitzchak! Very nice and informative, not only did I knot know any of this info I don't think I really ever considered the reason for a leap year other than consistency so this is great.

I had Shuas second question as well - although I Rambam fits better with the drasha that only 2 out of 3 that are needed to establish a leap year, to say that those are simanim rather than "reasons" if each of the 3 YT need to be certain time why if two out of three, seems that would be necessary even for one, if simanim like rambam than makes more sense to say the idea of 2 out of 3 to be indicator.


Thank Shua, I really tried hard to not say it 😉

Thanks again for the push to learn the Sugya really well and for the opportunity to say this Chabura and to connect with the Brown family

  1. I don't remember exactly what I said and I guess I made a mistake. but just to clarify. The Rambam does not define the word "aviv" I (and others that I asked agree with me) think that it refers to the weather change, not anything to do with fruit. Sorry for the confusion.

  2. The Mitzva is just that. To make the year "shtim"! The Brisker Rav says in his sefer that he wrote "al haTorah" ( it's in Parshas Emor) that the purpose…


R’ Yitz,


Wow, amazing!

Firstly, kudos to you for not saying ‘ibur yaar’ once😊.

Thanks for saying a Chabura that was new news to me every minute. I don’t think I knew even one thing you taught us. It was fascinating to get these yedios.

I really enjoyed how you explained the Machlokes. It seems to fit perfectly. Maybe a little too perfect. I guess I’ll have to learn it more to find where the chiddush in this telia lies.

Just a few questions:


1.      I assume this is just complete ignorance, but you said from the Rav that according to the Rambam “aviv” is that they should ripen then and “al hapeiros” is that they should bud…

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