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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso Presentation - Tefila M'droaisa or M'draban? - Shua Brown

Bezras HaShem we have the Toraso schedule all set up for the next year.

Please take the time to watch this Chabura and reply with your comments. This Chabura is on Tefillah, and I think will be informative and interesting esting for everyone.

Ideally, find time over the next two weeks to watch and comment. The next Chabura will be"h be going live Ocober 1st.

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Thanks for watching and you comment.

I like your question a lot. There is definitely a big Tzad in the Meforshim that the main point of Davening is the Bakashos. R' Aaron in that piece is working with a Gemara in Brachos that says that the reason women are obligated to daven may be because תפילה רחמי נינהו, that is to say that the purpose of davening is inorder to get rachmanus from HaShem. That Gemara would seem to imply that the main purposed of our Davening is the Hoda'ah.

That being said, In preparing for the Yarchei Kalah I thought to answer his question along the same lines you are suggesting. Based on what we learned then we explained…


Great chabura. My only q is on Reb Aaron, no mitzva anytime bec obviuos that we need, firdtly is there no other example of thst where is mitzva? Also what aboit the shevach part of tefilla and hoda?

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