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Toraso Presentation (GPRS1) - Guest Presenter - Rabbi Menachem Fishbane, Account Executive, Kof-K

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

I am pleased to be able to introduce the newest addition to Toraso - Guest Presenters. For a number of reasons I feel that this is a very nice addition to our already amazing Chabura.

Our first guest speaker lives in Peterson Park Chicago and works for the Kof-K, you will learn more about him when you listen to his shiur. The Shiur is going to be a mixture of Lamdus and Halacha.

Please note: Besides for the regular questions on the direct content of the Chaburah, as usual, please use this as an opportunity to ask any related Halachik questions that you have. Rabbi Fishbane has agreed to answer these questions and I am sure that this will be beneficial for many of us.

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16 Kommentare

Menachem Fishbane
Menachem Fishbane
23. Juni 2021


The halacha of having separate counters and tablecloths is mentioned in the shulchan aruch. The reasons can be for a few different reasons. The first being if they are dirty or have crumbs left on them that would be the biggest concern, as they can be mixed in the food on there. The other reason will be if hot meat or milk spill on the counter, thus making it either meat or dairy, which can potentially affect what goes onto it afterwards.

In the case if it does fall on it, bedieved there will be cases that it is ok. I wouldn't assume that it is assur, rather call a Rov and a lot of times it will be…

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Menachem Fishbane
Menachem Fishbane
23. Juni 2021

Shalom Aron,

Sorry for the delayed response. Your question is a great question. The shitos that say that the French fries make you fleishig will tell you, that the oil has absorbed chicken taste in there, and the oil then becomes absorbed into the French fry. Just like if you cooked potatoes in a pot with chicken and oil, everyone would agree the potatoes are considered tavshil shel basar, as the chicken taste gets absorbed into the potatoes. So to in the case of a deep fryer, even though the chicken has been removed, its taste is still absorbed into the oil and then will go into the potato's

On an interesting side note to this question, whether the meat…

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
23. Juni 2021

Hi Rabbi Fishbane,

My mother mentioned that she overheard a few of the STL Browns discussing the shiur. She intends to listen to it herself, but in the meantime, it sparked a question that he has had. It may be a little complex but please let me know if you would be able to help us with this. I am sure many of us would like clarity on this issue.

Can you please explain and give some understanding to tablecloths and counters? Seemingly if you do not eat the food that falls there it should be ok? Also is it true that if it does fall there, you cannot eat it? Let's say you are having a cream cheese sandwich…

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Menachem Fishbane
Menachem Fishbane
20. Juni 2021


Related to Menashe question about real/hard cheese etc. Is there still such ting, I have heard differing opinions/facts about this point? While most poskim still hold nowadays that we have hard cheese and one would need to wait for six hours, there are some poskim such as R' Shmuel Kamenetski that holds that none of our regularly used cheeses even parmesan would be the hard cheese that the poskim referred to. The reason is some poskim refer to hard cheese that it is so hard that one would need a saw to cut it, and our parmesan cheese is not that hard. However, as mentioned most poskim hold one should wait six hours.

What is interesting that Rav Elashi…

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Menachem Fishbane
Menachem Fishbane
20. Juni 2021

Shalom Menashe,

Thank you very much for the questions. I will try answer them to the best of my ability.

1) How do we know that the explanation for the 3rd repetition of the pasuk is only in reference to when the milk and meat are cooked together and then eaten together, and that eating cold milk with cold meat not cooked together is only an isur D’rabanan? Since the Torah specifies the issur with the wording of bishul, chazal understood that the issur even of eating, would only apply in a case where it was cooked together.

2) I have heard in the past people saying that the reason behind waiting six hours is because that is how…

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