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Toraso Presentation 2.3 Menashe Brown- Mishloach Manos

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

Welcome to Toraso 2.3! Please get involved and indulge yourself with some Shaloch Manos - you won't regret it. Make Menash work, he always makes us work, he deserves it!

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Apr 01, 2022


Thank you very much for your Chabura. You clearly had a very strong hold of the Sugya and the many facets that you delved into. I apologize for my late comment. I have notes to comment on but because of the lateness, I am going to call you to discuss them, as opposed to posting them here.

I look forward to discussing it soon, we will see if you still remember it:))


Menashe Brown
Mar 17, 2022


Thank you for listening! I know that you are very busy with your other sedarim, work, school, and being a father and husband, and it means a lot that you made time for this!

I hope I can do a good job of answering your questions.

Laivy: 1. You discussed towards the beginning in the ran, that he gives a svara of it being a davar gadol and asked what the pshat in that is...I do not have an answer for that, it is interesting the lashon davar gadol seems different that something chashuv which might be the lashon we would expect to hear...but in terms of his pshat with regards to rashi and the fact that rashi mentions…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 14, 2022

Wow Menash, there was a lot there! Of course this is perfect timing right before Purim, so good thing this was you and it made it out on time ;).

1. You discussed towards the beginning in the ran, that he gives a svara of it being a davar gadol and asked what the pshat in that is...I do not have an answer for that, it is interesting the lashon davar gadol seems different that something chashuv which might be the lashon we would expect to hear...but in terms of his pshat with regards to rashi and the fact that rashi mentions how we know from the pasuk is not necessarily a disagreement but perhaps the ran is giving pshat…

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