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Toraso Presentation 1.8 - Aron Ezra Stein בענין כוונה בשמונה עשרה

Here you go, presentation 1.8! BH we have had great participation. We look forward to more involvement and more learning!

Please make sure to find time to engage yourself in this Sugya! The Halachos are very relevant, and fascinating! Make sure to make comments the discussions on the discussion board have very on point and insightful!

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Jun 23, 2021

Here is Anne's response!

Rabbi Karsh(Uncle Andy),

Thank you so much for taking the time to go through this Chaburah. It means a lot. Your question is a great question. Not easy to answer. However, I was thinking that on one hand, yes, it is very "demanding" of Chazal to expect us to have Kavanah throughout Shemone Esrei. On the other hand, Chazal knew how serious, awesome, and powerful this Mitzvah is and with what care and diligence is needed to perform this Mitzvah. Every word in Shemoneh Esrei is perfectly placed and calculated to the T to have the proper effect. So yes, it's a lot to ask, but at the same time when dealing with something of such…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Jun 21, 2021

Hi everyone! I know we are on to the next one, but we got a special comment that Uncle Andy sent to Anne that I want to share with the oilam.

Dear Aaron Ezra,

Thank you for your Chaburah on Tefillah. As several of my nephews have already mentioned it was a source of Chizuk and deeper understanding for me and for that I am grateful.

I thought you touched on many important points and made many important observations about the essential requirement for the fulfillment of the mitzvah of tefillah but while doing so I think you ignored the elephant in the room. It is not only you but all of us when we grapple with these issues that…


Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Jun 09, 2021

Shua, I think the max amount of comments you are aloud to make on a shtickle is like 5. However, I will let it slide this time.

Shua:This is not something you specifically discussed, but I was wondering when was it that the Tur's "והאידנא" began? It is clear that at the time of the Tanaim, and Amoraim that was not the case, although there are mekoros that even then there was a struggle with kavana as well.

Anne: Shaul, thats a fascinating question. I was assuming that this restriction started at the time of the Rishonim. Maybe it was from the Geonim or even earlier, and the Tur is just stating the Halacha that has applied for many years.


Akiva Brown
Akiva Brown
Jun 09, 2021


I really enjoyed listening to this. The concept is something I think about a lot as I find my thoughts wander quite a bit during davening.

I listened While driving and was unable to take down notes. I def want to listen again so I can get more of what you said and ask some more questions.

One thing I did think about was the idea that there are two different kavanos, one of the words and one that you are talking with hashem. The latter sounds like the idea of Mitzvos need kavana. I don't know but would be curious what the different people hold regarding this concept and how that would relate to your answers explaining their…

Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Jun 09, 2021
Replying to

Keevs, it's an interesting point you bring up. It seemed like from Reb Chaim he was understanding the Ramabam that the first kavanah of knowing and recognizing that you are standing before Hashem is for two reasons. 1. So it's not misaseik and is an actual meisa mitvah. 2. Mitzvos tzreecha kavanah. I'm not sure why he needs to say that, because he can seemingly answer his problem with the Rambam and still go according to the man deamar that holds mitzvos ain tzreecha kavanah. But yes that is how Reb Chaim is learning the Rambam. It's both.


Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Jun 07, 2021

Menashe, thank you so much for watching and really getting into this Chaburah!

Menashe: If the shliach tzibur messes up in the first Bracha of shmona esrei, does that mean it is a bad omen for him and the tzibur or just for the tzibur?

Anne: So that's a very interesting question Menashe. Its definitely mashma from the gemarah that it would only be a bad omen for the tzibur. It seems like the reason is because the shatz is just a shliach for the tzibur so anything he is doing is nor really for him its for everyone else. Only in a situation where a person messed up Avos in his own shemone esrei would it be a bad…

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