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Toraso Presentation 1.7 - Shua Brown שומע כעונה

Hello Toraso Chabura! Welcome to Toraso 1.7 I hope you enjoy!

I think that this topic is something that everyone can appreciate and find intriguing. Honestly, there are some points that I am expecting to be questioned and argued about! Please make that happen.

The Toraso requirement is only to watch 1.7 (1). That being said, I do think that you will all enjoy both of them 1.7 (1) & (2), so if you find the time go right ahead:)

Toraso 1.7 (1)


Toraso 1.7 (2)

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Jun 01, 2021

Good morning! The following are responses to R' Ashi Shternbuch's shlit"a ha'aros: The questions are just a short summary of what he asked and may not be completely accurate.

Thank you again to R' Ashi for taking out of his time to listen and comments. It is a big chizuk for me and I believe for the entire Chabura.

(R’ Ashi) According to the Tzad in the Chazon Ish that שומע כעונה is ממיני הדיבור, it would seem then, that it is not a mechanism but just a different way of looking at speech. If that is the case, then would it not seem logical that it should work for all scenarios even not that of halachik nafka minas?



Shua Brown
Shua Brown
May 28, 2021

(Menashe) Is the Birchas Kohanim the only scenario in which Shomea Keoneh doesn’t work due to the fact that they aren’t saying it to the people? What about the brachos in Birchas Hashachar (or any brachos that are thanking Hashem for the things that he gives us), aren’t these brachos supposed to be said to Hashem? If so, then shomea keoneh shouldn’t work then either because even though the other person is saying them, it is not being said by this person (the listener) to Hashem.

(Shua) The idea of speaking to HaShem is different than to a person. We do Daven to HaShem and we are "speaking" with him, but I don't think that it falls into the same…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
May 28, 2021

I am sorry for posting this during Anne's Presentation, but we only finished them up now. This is my Reviewer's ha'aros. His Name is R' Ashi Shtrenbuch shlit"a. He is a close friend of mine from Philly. He is a very chashuva Yungerman learning in BMG. His ha'aros are of course very on point and worth while to listen to I will bez"h respond to them my Motzai Shabbos


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
May 19, 2021


Thank you for taking out the time to listen and comment on these Chaburos. It means a lot to me (us) that you are part of this Chabura.

(Abba) I am a little concerned or uncomfortable with the translation of נתיחס as “attributed.” That makes it sound as though the דיבור it is no longer connected with the one who said it, the משמיע, which matters a great deal to the subsequent discussions of whether the circumstances or features of the אמירה or דיבור can fulfill their potential efficacy for the שומע. If I attribute a statement to someone, I am indicating or at least implying that it is he who said it, rather than someone else. I think…


Menashe Brown
May 16, 2021

Shua, I really enjoyed this second presentation! It was awesome to have another presentation adding to the sugya! For anyone who didn't listen to this second presentation, I strongly recommend doing so!

I had actually paused the video before hearing your svara to answer the stera, and I wrote down that exact point. It could be that even in the shmoneh esrei scenario, that you would be over an issur of saying Hashem’s name in vain.

Is the Birchas Kohanim the only scenario in which Shomea Keoneh doesn’t work due to the fact that they aren’t saying it to the people? What about the brachos in Birchas Hashachar (or any brachos that are thanking Hashem for the things that he…

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