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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso Presentation 1.4 - Rabbi Yehoshua Karsh (Uncle Andy)

We are very excited to have Uncle Andy as part of our Chabura. As you know, his points are bound to keep us on our toes, thinking in ways we never may have without his help. Stay focused - there will be a lot to learn from. Can't wait for a lively discussion board!!

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Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown
Mar 15, 2021


I was feeling guilty and inadequate/irresponsible about my not being able to put my chabura together at the scheduled time, but now I not only feel validated, but perhaps celebratory about it! Baruch HaShem we were all zocheh to hear your precious, insightful thoughts, and beautifully and impactfully expressed words!

w/ regard to your query regarding the Avudraham's comments on זוכר חסדי אבות I was thinking along the lines of Menashe's comments. He indicates that the referral is to the ברית that HaShem made with the Avos (Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov), and what transpired בימים ההם בזמן הזה was a קיום of that ברית , which therefore took place at those subsequent times.

As always, your ideas evoke so many…

Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 22, 2021
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Thank you Larry! I am honored that you watched it and grateful for your comments. As I mentioned to Menashe it is not just he Avudraham on the first Bracha of the Shmoneh Esreh but the Chazal who crafted the Brachos for Chanukah and Megillah, they clearly refer to the people at the time of those miracles as "Avosainu" Menashe wanted to suggest that L'Avosainu could mean 'on behalf of the Avos' but that is not the meaning of L if it had been B'Avosainu you could say that but not L.


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 14, 2021


I agree with you and Akiva about seeing the origin of what we eat and being involved in the process. And how transformative that can be and yet for most of us it does not happen with food. People who have gardens and eat the vegetables they grow know this experience.

As far as the difference between a D'Oraisa and a D'Rabbanan I agree that there shouldn't be a difference when it comes to doing them. They are both ultimately Hashem's will.

I did hear a distinction that was made by the Nesivos that might explain why some people treat them differently. This is a very superficial presentation of the idea, but essentially: The difference between a D'Oraisa and…


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 14, 2021

Aron Ezra -

If you look at the context of the Gemara which says Ain Avos Elah Shlosha itself the Gemara seems open to using the term in other circumstances its just when officially referring to the Avos of Klal Yisroel (who are the Avos of Klal Yisroel?) that we only refer to Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov.

Why would you refer to people as Avosainu? When there is something that we experience today that is because of them or if there is a quality we have that comes from them, then they are our avos. It worked out well that in each case we can connect them to a bris with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. We continue to be bound to…


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 14, 2021

Menashe -

You are in good company with your question about Lo Sasur. The Rambam is the source of that opinion and the Ramban asks your question and more in his Hasagos 1.4

I will be interested to hear how you develop your thoughts about Avosainu. Your initial challenge will be how to explain the words: 'Sh'Asa nissim l'avosainu" to mean because of our Avos when it says to our Avos.

Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 15, 2021
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I'm afraid that no amount of wishing it meant that could make it so.🤓


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 14, 2021

Akiva -

It doesn't take long, a few months, to learn how to shecht chickens. I have a chalaf and sharpening stones I would be happy to contribute! That could be a first step to your dream of eating food you killed and skinned yourself.

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