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Toraso Presentation 1.2- Akiva Meir Brown: "Don't Even Think About It" בענין לא תחמוד

Good Morning! It is with much excitement that we are now posting the second Toraso Presentation. B"H the first was a great success.

Please enjoy and analyze how Akiva has presented to us some of the עיקר points regarding the Ibn Ezra's Kashya on Lo Sachmod. Comments are encouraged, to say the least.

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Lawrence R. Brown
Feb 16, 2021

I believe that the איסור of לא תחמוד is to desire that which someone else has because he has it and you do not. That is the situation in which one fails to recognize that HaShem apportions to each, his needs.


Yosef Brown
Yosef Brown
Feb 16, 2021


Thank you for the detailed reply. That is a good distinction to draw, but what about gashmius? If someone has something that I want, it does not necessarily mean that I want it from them or that I feel deserving of it in their stead. It can simply be the case that I wish to have that thing also, in which case it is my prerogative to strive to squire it. That might mean budgeting to save money so that I can afford it, or coming up with a creative way to achieve some goal. Is seeing what others have and being inspired to have the like, decidedly jealousy?

When the meforshimm talk about envisioning it and then actually…


Akiva Brown
Akiva Brown
Feb 16, 2021

Abba - I hear what you are saying, but although they each clearly are answering how we can not be jealous, they each get there through different paths. Although Rabienu Bechaii is not directly discussing this question, both the Ibin Ezra and the Bais Halevi are and the Bais Halevi clearly says that you don't have to come onto the Ibin Ezras Answer but Yirah is the Path.

Noam - Rabeinu Bechaii is not directly answering the Ibin Ezras question. The passuk in Netzavim is regarding the curses Hashem gives to those who commit certain sins. If a person responds to those by saying those are for everyone else I can continue in my ways and will not be affected,…


Yosef Brown
Yosef Brown
Feb 16, 2021

Akiva, not only was your presentation masterfully presented, it is a topic at the top of my list of mitzvos/middos that I have personally expended significant effort to abide by. As such, it is one that is particularly meaningful to me.

I tend to believe that this concept is a real moral imperative, as jealousy, which in colloquial terms is probably oversimplifying the true nature of this aveira, can prove an insurmountable force if it becomes all-consuming, and thereby undermine more worthy focuses. But is there not a way for "jealousy" to be an impetus for great achievement?

Noam, I am pleased to see, preempted that one burning question I came away with. Can't jealousy inform well-meaning ambition and lead…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Feb 16, 2021

The following is an email that Uncle Andy sent to Akiva and cc'd the Toraso email. I am posting it here (with permission), so that the rest of us can think about his points and maybe see Akiva's answer if he chooses to post it here as well.

Dearest Akiva,

I really enjoyed your Chabura on Toraso. It was interesting, clearly expressed and contained important information.

It reminded me of a story Rav Moshe Shapiro zt”l once told us:

Rav Dessler zt”l was learning with a certain Mr. Sasoon. They were specifically learning the gemara in Menachos 43b

“תניא היה ר' מאיר אומר מה נשתנה תכלת מכל מיני צבעונין מפני שהתכלת דומה לים וים

דומה לרקיע ורקיע לכסא הכבוד שנאמר…

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