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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso Presentation 1.12 - Dependent on Prayer - Gav Brown

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

Hey all, just rolling back to round 1 for a bit!! Thank you to Gav for this presentation.

I must say it is great - in the short ten minutes (next time 20) Gav really gives us an appreciation of Davening. I am confident that if you let it settle in, think about the real depth of what he is suggesting, your approach to Davening may change a bit. He definitely gave me at least one new perspective, how about you??

Please comments, he's ready to respond!

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Menashe Brown
Dec 16, 2021


This presentation was really clear, concise, and inspirational. You truly added a whole new level to my davening and I can't thank you enough!

Just a quick question:

You mentioned that the Anshei Kineses Hagadolah formatted the davening for us in a way that will make our words not just random things that we say differently every day (example of the grant). Would it still be right for us to add in our own thanks and requests to Hashem? Seemingly when they formatted the davening, they did it to include everything we would need! Why are we allowed to add things to their words?


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Nov 19, 2021

Gav, as I have told you already, I really loved this presentation. You amazingly whopped out some of the most fundamental ideas of davening in a clear and succinct way. I’ll agree with Laivy (he is my older brother after all) that if we would get some more of this from you, we would do ourselves well. I will add that besides for the content I like how you clearly made a point to work on what exactly you would say in the presentation. By doing so you made it so clear and easy to listen to. I hope we can all learn from that also. Thanks, little guy😊.

Some thoughts:

  • You mentioned from R SHAMSHON Hirsh how our davening…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Nov 18, 2021

Hey Gav. This was awesome. I was lucky enough to hear the lecture live and in real time.

I love the way you captured the double the 2 sidedness of davening while also answering some fundamental questions about the mechanisms of prayer. Imagine if you were studying this stuff on the enlightened we would all be!

Thanks Gav!

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