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Toraso Presentation 1.11 - Avishai Brown בענין קול באשה ערוה

Welcome Back!! BH we are moving forward and are now beginning our 11th presentation, the second to last before we complete the first round!

This is a packed topic so make sure to pay attention. Just for some perspective, Avishai was up VERY late working on this. Yasher Koach to him for that. Please respond fairly by giving time and energy to the Chabura.

PLEASE NOTE: Avishai, mentioned that he has a hard time cutting things out, so it is a bit long. To help the issue, he suggested listening on 1.25 because he was speaking a little slowly at times.

Please make a list of any lmaiseh halacha questions you would want to get a final psak on and we will attempt to bring them to someone who is able to give one.

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Akiva Brown
Akiva Brown
Sep 05, 2021

Avishai, I really enjoyed listening to this. I love the way you set it up and presented it. I found this extremely easy to follow all the posts as you laid it out. The topic itself is fascinating and the different questions, discussions, and conclusions make so much sense. I did have a question on something you mentioned during the discussion of if the issue is dioraissa or drabanan. Someone had said that a proof that it's doraissa is that the rambam says that you get malkus but for a drabanan that doesn't have an action you don't get malkus. But there is also a concept of Lab Shein bo maisa you don't get malkus, so how is that a proof? In…


Menashe Brown
Aug 31, 2021


Thank you for this amazing presentation. You were very clear and easy to understand, which made it a very enjoyable presentation to listen to. I loved all of the points that you discussed, it was super informative. Thank you again!

Just a few questions:

1. If we are only concerned that it may bring a person to hirhur, then would there be a problem hearing an ugly woman singing live?

2. When it comes to recordings, according to those who say it is assur, is it assur even if they use autotuning and change the woman’s actual voice?

3. Why would it make a difference if it’s Bifanav or not? Why do you need to be picturing a sp…


Avishai Brown
Avishai Brown
Aug 26, 2021


1) Honestly i didnt go through that shtickle very well, only what was directly nogea so unfortunately i dont have the anwer to that.

2) Yes i would assume so, if it was dioraysa i dont think it is possible to me mekil.

3) i believe i mentioned that davar shebikdusha is a machlokes chazon ish and mishna brura, the mishna brura says 3, the chazon ish says 7. The B'er heitiv says that kol penuya is only mutar if you are not mechaven to get hanaah from it. I have to look back into that more, i vaugely remember other things about that but dont want to misquote.

4) i hear that. it could be he would tell…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Aug 24, 2021

This was ery informative and very very clear and straight forwardly presented!! Thanks Avishai Moshe!

1. Accd to pri migadim what is the source for the deorisa (accd to rambam)?

2. Regarding Gemara in kiddushin…like the answer of the rashba etc but there it was special invitation to say hi to her so even more of chiba type thing rather than just derech agav or that sort…Maybe this is what Mieri means too?

3. Regarding the question about a recording, if the point is that even if you don’t see her itll remind you of her, let’s say its multiple women etc and you cannot distinguish whose voice is who, like choir it shld be ok? [You discussed …

Avishai Brown
Avishai Brown
Aug 26, 2021
Replying to

1) im sorry, i meant to mention that. he says it would be from the pasuk ויקרא י''ח, ו' איש איש אל כל שאר בשרו לא תקרבו לגלות ערוה אני ה'

2) interesting svara, though it would seem from the achronim that they did not understand that way. also it was her husband inviting him to say hello to her so im not sure of i hear that it would be more derech chiba.

3) The chasam sofer (i believe) says its kol isha to hear a group of women in shul singing from the ezras nashim. there it is shelo befanav and a group of women, so its clear he holds that tziruf wouldnt be a heter.

4) if…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Aug 23, 2021


Thank you for this very informative and clear Chabura. It is clear that your thoroughly researched this topic and made it yours!!

I have to say that although you went beyond the time limit you kept it very interesting throughout - constantly moving from one topic to the next. I wasn't bored for a second (I also used the 1.25 trick for some of it, which was actually not too fast for anyone who needs it).

Just a few points:

  • I was fascinated by the Shoshanas Hamakim yesod in regard to makas mardus. I was just wondering, does that halacha apply to all dorisahs, so whenever you would not get makos, for example a lav shein bo maseh, you…

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