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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso Presentation 1.10 - Reuven Weinreb בענין לא תקום ולא תטור

We hit the big NUMBER 10! BH we are knocking. PRS 1.10 is about a topic we all thought we knew what it was all about, and we will now learn that we did NOT! How many more topics are there just like that? Hopefully we will narrow down the number.

Please enjoy, and guess what... comment!

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4 commentaires

Aron Stein
Aron Stein
29 août 2021

Reuven! This was a great shtickle! I was extremely impressed how clear you presented this chaburah!( And even more impressed on how loud it was given over. I think all my neighbors in Queens thought it was a good shtickle as well.) Just had a few Q's.

  1. What does it mean that a Talmid Chachum should do revenge like a snake? why a snake? Why not like a barracoota?

  2. According to the Gemara in Yuma do we still say at the end of the day that the passuk of nekama and netira is still only by mamon and we have a differnt source for guf or its all the same pusuk?

  3. In the case of Rueven and Shimon with the…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
13 juil. 2021

Firstly, thank you very much for your kind words. It is energizing to hear and see that our program is helping us reach our goals in our learning of Torah. HaShem should give us all the siyata dishmaya to feel that achrayus to our learning and be zoche to Dovid Hamelech's expectation ובתורתו יהגה.

I enjoyed learning it through with you and hope to get to do so again next time. (By the way you can always be doing a Toraso chabura even if you won't be presenting it).

Thank you, Reuven, for this comprehensive Chaburah. I have a few ha'aros and comments for you and the oilam.

  • You mentioned in the beginning a perspective on the Issur of Lo…


Menashe Brown
12 juil. 2021


I really enjoyed this presentation. It was very clear and well thought out. It turns out that, apparently, I knew very little about these issurin which I learned at a very young age :). Thank you for expanding my knowledge.

Just a couple of questions/suggestions:

1. When the gemara says that a Talmud Chachum should not take revenge, but rather he should have it in his heart, isn’t that two-facedness? Also, it would seem to me that even having it in his heart would make it unlikely that he doesn’t bear a grudge in some way.

2. According to Rava, why can’t a person forgive someone even without that person asking for forgiveness? I would think that especially someone…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
12 juil. 2021

This was Super interesting...Never realized that it was not all encompassing across the board!

-Are you learning that by everyone else it is assur across the board and there is an exception by a talmud chacham by everything besides money bec other areas are an offense to the torah? if so why those areas more than money, not sure your suggestions at end answer that, namely that easy to control? I think I need more clarity in the mach reasonim about whether the issur is only by $ and how they determine that? are they arguing on the gemrah?

-Practically is very hard bec if the entire reason you can have nekama is bec he damaged you, how do you…

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