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Writer's pictureShua Brown

Toraso Guest Presentation - Rabbi Menahse Kestenbaum - "dina d'malchusa dina"

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

I want to thank Rabbi Kestenbaum for giving us of his time and wisdom with this Shiur.

Rabbi Kestenbaum is pursuing smicha in Choshen Mishpat and is a baki in many different chalakim of halacha. He is the founder of Keyway Halacha, a firm that provides Halachik Consulting for businesses.

Please take advantage of the opportunity to become aquatinted with this difficult topic. We are also going to put together a list of questions about this inyan to present to Rabbi Kestenbaum, so please make sure to jot them down, even if they are not directly connected tot the Shiur.

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3 commentaires

Menashe Brown
30 mai 2022

Rabbi Kestenbaum,

This was a very interesting and informative presentation! Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. (Also, its nice to be able to know who Ahron Ezra is always talking about when he says my name, but is never referring to me :) )

* You mentioned that it would not be asur to violate dina d'malchusa dina, specifically, when it comes to traffic laws as long as it's not going to cause a chillul Hashem or be dangerous. Describing it as something that "violating it would not make you be over an issur", still sounds like something you shouldn't do. Is this correct?

Thank you again,

Menashe Brown


Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown
24 mai 2022

Rabbi Kestenbaum,

Thank you very much for taking of your precious time to share your rich, informed, and invaluable Torah with us.

> You described what sounds like a svara or rationale for the idea of dina d'malchusa dina, but alluded to the fact that some hold that it is d'oraisa. What is the Torah source of this idea/inyan?

> What does it mean to say that dina d'malchusa dina means that "the law is a law," but violating such a law is not assur? What then is the nafka mina of the law being a law (or NOT being a law, for that matter)?

Again, appreciatively, and with great respect,

Larry Brown


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
13 mai 2022

Thank you very much R. Kestenbaum!! This is a very interesting and noge lmaisa topic. Just to clarify, for laws that are monetary, for example parking meters not etc if law is law and they are in the right to enact these laws, would it be stealing to park without paying, even if I know I could get away with it? Lets say I am willing to take the risk and get caught, would that be a chillul HaShem if the metermaid etc can tell I am Jewish? This is very common on main street in queens for example if just running into store etc...

You mentioned that the shyla by rent control is not really noge if the rent…

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