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Toraso - Ari Diena - מצות מעקה

Welcome to Ari Diena to Toraso. Make sure to hound him with comments as a nice welcome! Thank you for this great Toraso presentation. The Chabura is on the Mitzvah of Maakeh, and is full of fascinating points.

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Menachem Gibber
17 hours ago

You may be right (again!!)

I was talking to someone last night about the chabura and they said osek bmitzva may be a bad question as we say that even for a hechsher mitzvah.

Once again, thanks for an awesome chabura.


R Ari,

This shticke was so enjoyable.

Your content and delivery was perfected to the point I was able to enjoy the Mesikus!!!

I want to make sure that I am on the same page as you. The mitzva of Hashavas avaida even if we would say that a misasek gets the mitzvah as he lmasah returned it. There is no doubt he is also performing the mitzva when he does whatever is needed for it. As we know oisek bmitzvah patur min hamitzvah is said on that. So your comparison isn’t a complete one.

Regarding the mitzvah of maakeh in general are you ready to say that you will not have the ptur of oisek bmitzvah when one performs…

Ari D
a day ago
Replying to

After one has done mitzvas makeh and he now how has a house with a makeh , he definitely would not have the din of osek bmitzva

While he is putting it up

According to the Minchas chinuch He would have the din bc the maseh mitzveh is the maseh of putting up the balcony

According to the machane efraim the din is for you to turn your house from a house that needed a balcony to a house that has a balcony . The action of putting it up is NOT a maseh mitzva, but rather the final nail in the balcony would be when you have kiyum.

im honestly not sure re osek bmitzva

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