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Writer's pictureShua Brown

Toraso 3.3 - Menachem Gibber

BeH we are not to the next one. This is Menachem's debut presentation, so make sure to make him feel welcome. This Chabura is about the mitzvah of Chodosh and as the more recent chaburos is ought to teach you a lot about something you know very little about - so get involved.

Let's see some action on the discussion board!

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Amazing chabura!

I never heard that shtikel Ohr Sameach before and I'm fascinated by it.

Is the way it works that if both the Laav and the Asei are in the same place it turns the Laav into a positive thing? Or is there a different explanatuion as to the understanding of his Vort

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R Yitzchak,

I believe you said the vort correctly. He definitely speaks both ways out.

Where both are in the cheftza the Asei makes it something that is muter. And when they are both in the gavrah, then the Asei dictates what one should do. The way I understand it is that the Asei gets rid of the lav. This won’t work when they are in different places.




Rav Gibber nice to meet you! Wow! Beautiful Shtikel! Very clear and well set up and very interesting!

My only question is do we have more hesber on the Bavli's tzad to say that the isur of chodosh is a din in the cheftzah? Meaning pashut pshat it should be a din in the gavrah. There's nothing beetzem wrong with this bread, it's just not ready to eat yet. Like the Chinuch says that it's compared to meilah. You just can eat it until you gave something to Hashem first. Would love your feedback! Once again shkoiyich for this beautiful Chaburah!

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R’ Aron,

I am so sorry.

I am not good with responding but I don’t think I even saw your message.

You are asking a very good question. However, the hot Sameach has a Gemarah that compares the isur of Chadash to a nevaila and a treifa. This would definitely sound like the isur is in the cheftza.

I will look at it again to see if I missed something.

I’ll keep you posted.

Thanks for the haara!



R' Menachem, good morning,

I will agree with you assessment that this a very enjoyable piece. I really enjoyed it and found it to be super clear and informative. Thank you for preparing it and sharing with us!

Two questions:

  1. Why would the other Poskim not agree that there is an לאו הבא מכלל עשה?

  2. How does the mitzvah of Yibum fit with R' Meir Simcha? Isn't the setup there that the Mitzva is on the Gavra - Yubum and the issur is on the Cheftza - she Eishes Achiv? Unless, I am realizing as I write this, that that issur is in fact only an issur Asei.

I look forward to your response!


Replying to

R' Shua,

Thank you again for everything.

I am telling you that living here with you gives me a drop off a glimpse to all you do and I don't know how you had time to listen never mind to respond.

To talk to your first point, there are two other ways to understand the pasuk. Either it can be a continuation from the pasuk before that said after you bring the korban pesach you return home. We know that means after the first day of pesach. Then you keep another 6 days of eating Matzah. The other understanding is the 6 days are just for matzah and the seventh is also for issur melacha. Either of these two ways…


Thanks for joining Menachem! This was great! I don't really have any haaras to share or ask about except that I think I've heard that there is also a consideration of aseh doche with regards to mitzvos aseh shazman which case the lo sase of chadash would take precedence for that reason...

THank you!

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Thanks for your warm welcome and sorry for not responding until now.

(You can ask R’ Shua, this is how long it takes for me to respond to emails too!)

What you are mentioning is a fascinating concept and I will see if I find anything on it. Essentially you’re saying it makes the Asei weaker, correct? I will look around.



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