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Toraso 3.1 - Laivy Brown - Tamei Hamitzvos

In this Chabura Laivy explores a Gemara in Brachos and Megilah that give us a new perspective of Tamei Hamitzvos. He really goes through lots of points so make sure to give your full attention. It may help to take notes to keep track of the various opinions and his questions and answers for them.

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6 Kommentare

Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
31. Jan.

Hi Menachem thanks for joining the Chaburah! Thanks listening and commenting! I am not like Shua in the sense that I in fact and not at all a rabbi/Reb etc.

  1. The two Rambams I discussed are Moreh Nevuchim 3,48 and Yad hilchos tefilos 9,7. There does appear to be a stira! The only possible thing i can think of thast not sure is legit is that the Yad is talking about in davening and there it may be more problematic as the Tos Yom Tov does say that it is specifically in davening bec making it more of a concrete fact rather than drash where might be okay to say that it is rachmanus etc...The fact that he goes into…

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
31. Jan.

Thank you Laivy for this great Chaburah.

No comments as of now as I had the opportunity to go through much of this with you.

(Also trying to see if the notifications setting are working)

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R' Laivy, - I hope you are not like your brother who corrects me when I call him Rabbi - "My name is Shua!"

Amazing Sugya.. I listened then I looked into some of the Maarei Mekomos and then I listened again! - THANK YOU!

I think that your added recording at the end when you mentioned that the Rambam himself has the same insight as the Ramban really sent me spinning. The Rambam in Yad says we are Meshasek him because it is wrong. These mitzvahs are not because of Rachamunes as there are ways of having more rachamanus!! why isn't this a stirah to the Rambam you quoted in the beginning that seems to say that it is…

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Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
24. Jan.

Hi Yitzchak, thinks for taking the time to listen!

Regarding your first question - the chinuch I believe said the reason was not rachamim at all but rather that HaShems hashcha is on all His creations, on people it is bprat and on animals it is on the species level - that HaShem does not want any species to be extinct (very interesting!). In that case, not sure why it would be specific, if it is about rachamim then to me it makes more sense to choose the ones that are most likely to not show that rachamim to, but say that it applies more broadly, whereas if it is to show HaShems hashkacha, i.e. that he cares that the…

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Antwort an

Re point 1, thanks for the clarification on what the Chinuch means. I agree with the distinction that you are making and why it's better answer for the Rambam.

Re point 2., thats a fascinating point that you're making that according to the Rambam that the entire Mitzva

Thanks again for the great Chabura!

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Hey Laivy, thanks so much for the shuir. Very clear and well presented on a topic that I knew almost nothing about!

I have 2 questions/comments

1. Can you answer for the Chinuch the same as the Rambam that these are the most common animals and that's why Hashem picked them but in reality the rachamim applies to all?

2. I dont really understand the Rambam, (this is not a question on you at all) isn't the point of all Mitzvos and Middos that Hashem shows for us to learn from? why is it different than the Ramban?

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