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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso 2.8 - Uncle Andy- Taanis Bechoros

Be"H we are on a roll with our newest presentation from Uncle Andy! Uncle Andy did his presentation as a written Chabura that is below. Please read and enjoy. As always looking forward to an active discussion board. As always Uncle Andy has brought up some very interesting points that some of us may have never thought out, so...

Below is a long scroll down of the Chabura. If it is easier, you can download the PDF below.

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Menashe Brown
Jun 13, 2023

Hi Uncle Andy,

Firstly, I am so sorry that I am posting this so late! My schedule has become much busier than it used to be, and I'm working on making a good schedule for everything.

Secondly, this was a really enjoyable and applicable chabura. I learned a lot about something I see taking place every year and I feel bad that I haven't asked this one simple question, "Why?"

What is the reason that it became a minhag for the father's of bechoros to fast? What does it even mean that they are fasting on behalf of their son who doesn't yet have a chiyuv to fast??


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Apr 11, 2023

Hi Uncle Andy.

I really enjoyed your chabura and to be honest is not something I have every thought about...this has given me a lot to think about...What about the Aruch Hashulchan and even the Mishan berura and the M"A - what happened in the mid 1900s that this became acceptable? R' CHaim seemed to think this was a good minhag...

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