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Toraso 2.7 - Menashe Brown - Zechiras Amalek

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Thanks Menashe, for this great piece! Here you will learn the basics - bottom up - about the Mitzva of remembering and destroying amalek. This is something we all need to do every year - do you know enough about it - doubtful!

As always please keep the convo lively by posting your comments.

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Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown
Mar 23, 2023


I appreciate the diligent and mindful attention to the sugya that your presentation represented, and am inspired from watching you learn the sugya and hearing you present it.

I share Laivy's and Aron Ezra's question about 2 distinctions that you made, then seemed to blur. When you were being מדייק in the pasuk, you indicated that זכירה was actualized בפיו, i.e. speaking, and the directive of לא תשכח was a performance of the heart (בלב). Then you went on to discuss the connection between זכירה and מחיה, and indicated that מחיה is בלב. You also queried (in what you referred to as the "second nafka mina") whether performing only זכירה but not speaking בפיו would fulfill the mitzva .…


Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Mar 23, 2023

Great Shtikle Menash! Was very well put together and presented beautifully. i got confused a little though. Originally you were clairing if there was a connection between zchiras amalek and michias amalek and therefore would have nafka minas like lgabai nashim etc.. But then it ounded like you were claring if there is a connection between lo tishkach and zchira and would not doing it bpiv work? But didn't we say ( I think it was from the chinuch but not sure) that lo tishkach is a lo sasai just not to forget but zchiras amalek is davka an asei to make sure to remember it bpiv like we do by parsha zachor? Please clarify. Job well done Menash. Hashe…


Sruli Karsh
Sruli Karsh
Mar 21, 2023

I can tell you spent a lot of time learning and preparing for this topic. I think you did a great job taking all the info you gathered and delivering it the way you did.

Was it challenging for you to internalize the concepts of eradicating a group of people from the world? You were talking about it in such a calm relaxing voice, but the topic and subject matter you were discussing was about horror, murder, and genocide. If I played someone the video on mute, they'd likely be shocked if I told them what you were talking about. It was so interesting for me to experience the topic delivered by such a sweet chilled person.

I have trouble…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Mar 21, 2023

Thank you, Menashe, for this excellent presentation. I really enjoyed the setup and how you provided us with so much information on this topic.

I wanted to clarify a similar thing to Laivy. You mentioned that is says לא תשכח and זכור. If it is true, that each are their own mitzva that, how do they then say you that they one is extra, and you can learn out something else. I you asked me this question when we were learning but wanted to hear what you had to say as it did not make it in to the Chabura.

Secondly, you mentioned a shita that this mitzva is only at the time of Mashiach. Was wondering if you had…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 13, 2023

Great Menash!

· You mentioned the double lashon, it sounds like the “do not forget” is there to teach that the “remember” means to speak it out, is there then a second negative commandment about forgetting or is it just informing o the “remember”? It seems like you started to address soemthign about this but was intertwined with the destroying mitzva of the pasuk so I got a little confused there...

· Maybe chiyuv to wipe out Amalek for him specifically was so wouldn’t have Haman…?

Menashe Brown
Mar 21, 2023
Replying to

Thanks for listening Laivy!

I'm sorry for the confusion. There are different opinions about whether or not they are different mitzvos. There is an opinion which holds that we actually learn out three mitzvos from that pasuk. There is the asei of zachor, there is the asei of timcheh, and there is the lo sasei of lo tishkach. Although, we are learning from lo tishkach that zachor is b'peh there is still a separate mitzvah of lo tishkach.

"Maybe chiyuv to wipe out Amalek for him specifically was so wouldn’t have Haman…?" Can you clarify what you mean by this?

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