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Toraso 2.6 - Shua Brown -Mitzvas Shechita

Hi all!

Bezras HaShem we are up to number 6 on round 2. This Chabura is from me (clearly). I broke it up to 2 sections but as always please do both. The first one dicussed the broader question as to if and why Shechita is or is not a mitzva. The second one is pretty short and is broken up into a number of short, fascinating ha'aros - you won't want to miss it.

2.6 (1)

2.6 (2)

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
01 mar 2023

This video are הערות from my Reviewer R' Ashi Shternbuch shlit"a.

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Menashe Brown
10 feb 2023


Thank you for this presentation. It was very informative and interesting!

Just a couple of comments/questions.

To clarify, regarding Laivy's second question, the mitzvah that you were referring to is a separate mitzvah that applies, specifically, to shechting chulin and not karbanos. Right? The shechting of the Karbanos would be a totally different mitzvah.

The Ravad holds its not a mitzvah to shecht, because if you don’t want to eat meat then you don’t have to.

Question: Why does this mean that it’s not a mitzvas asei? If, for example, one chose not to live in E”Y, then they would not have a mitzvah to take off terumah. Does that mean the taking off terumah is not a mitzvas…

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
10 feb 2023
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To clarify, regarding Laivy's second question, the mitzvah that you were referring to is a separate mitzvah that applies, specifically, to shechting chulin and not karbanos. Right? The shechting of the Karbanos would be a totally different mitzvah.

A: Correct a completely different mitzva!

The Ravad holds its not a mitzvah to shecht, because if you don’t want to eat meat then you don’t have to.

Question: Why does this mean that it’s not a mitzvas asei? If, for example, one chose not to live in E”Y, then they would not have a mitzvah to take off terumah. Does that mean the taking off terumah is not a mitzvas asei? Also, even if one were to live in E”Y,…

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Akiva Brown
Akiva Brown
09 feb 2023

This was very interesting and fun to watch. i have not yet listened to part two yet but wanted to send comment now.

my fist question is according to the Rambam is giving a get a mitzvah?

I had the question about karbanos but see you answered that on laivys comment.

Regarding the requirement to stand for a mitzvah, sefardim sit while putting on tefilin, we sit for benching, for lots of berachos at the Seder. i feel like there are more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
10 feb 2023
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Thanks for watching and responding! I love that we are able to engage in this way.

my fist question is according to the Rambam is giving a get a mitzvah?

A: Great question. The answer is that yes, I belive that the Rambam counts it as a mitzva - as it fall under the category of לדון בדיני גט, the idea we expounded on at the beginning. Make sense?

I had the question about karbanos but see you answered that on laivys comment.

A: Great minds think alike.

Regarding the requirement to stand for a mitzvah, sefardim sit while putting on tefilin, we sit for benching, for lots of berachos at the Seder. i feel like there are more…

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown
07 feb 2023


Thank you so much for watching and commenting on the Chabura. Below are my responses:

There are foods that don't require shechita, ie. Baby while mother was shechted and that babies kids... what is the source for that and how does that fit with last words of the rambam that there should be no other w way without shechita...

A: I don't know off hand the source. But I would answer that it could fit with the Rambam because having shechted the mother suffices to "be noheg" with all other animals that come from here with dinei shechita. being that you are only eating them because a shechita swas done to the mother, it is also being noheg with…

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Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
07 feb 2023

Re part 1: 1. There are foods that don't require shechita, ie. Baby while mother was shechted and that babies kids... what is the source for that and how does that fit with last words of the rambam that there should be no other w way without shechita... 2. Acc to ravad (and perhaps rambam) what abt karbanos... is mitzva to shecht 2a. If women, for example, do sukka ir any mitzvas asay shezman grma, are those called mitzvos asay? Eventhough shell never have to do...

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