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Toraso 2.4 - Uncle Andy - How do you greet people?

Thank you Uncle Andy for a great topic and presentation. The main Chabura is a written essay. There is an accompanying video as is described in the essay. If it is easier to read by dowloading the essay scroll down for a link to download.

Please first read the Chabura and then watch the video. The video is only 10 minutes.

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Menashe Brown
Apr 21, 2022

Hi Uncle Andy,

thank you for this beautiful and interesting presentatio. like Laivy, I never thought to much about the greeting, and this was fascinating to think about.

Just a quick thought/question. A shuir that is used for a number of things is, the amount of time that it takes to say shalom Alecha rebb. why do you think that it changes to shalom aleichem?


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 31, 2022

Laivy Pt 3

if you mean to convey a Bracha of shalom then you would think you would need to say the word Shalom. But there are many mitzvos fulfilled just by greeting a person with a smile and that would be true however you chose to word it.

Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 31, 2022
Replying to

Right, but to create peace etc you would think its better if it is understood so for those reason the native language would probably be more logical...


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 31, 2022

Laivy Pt 2

I think the Rav Moshe Shapiro ztl reason would apply The Maharal one not positive but there are many psukim throughout Tanach that suggest we are meant to teach the gentiles about HaShem or at least be a model to them of abodes HaShem, in that sense we need them to become complete.


Yehoshua Karsh
Yehoshua Karsh
Mar 31, 2022

I found this:

למה אין להקדים ולומר שלום לגוי? הרב שמואל שפירא | פורסם 09:32, 05/11/2012 שאלה: מדוע אין להקדים ולומר שלום לגוי? (מיכאל, עין שמר) תשובה: מיכאל שלום וברכה. איני יודע מניין אתה לוקח שאין לומר ולהקדים שלום לגוי. אדרבה, בגמרא משובח רבן יוחנן בן זכאי: "שלא הקדימו אדם שלום מעולם ואפילו נכרי בשוק" (תלמוד בבלי, מסכת ברכות, דף יז, א). שם גם משבח האמורא אביי את האדם המדבר יפה עם הבריות: "ומרבה שלום עם אחיו ועם קרוביו ועם כל אדם, ואפילו עם נכרי בשוק, כדי שיהא אהוב למעלה ונחמד למטה, ויהא מקובל על הבריות". אמנם קיימת הסתייגות הלכתית לברך את הנכרי, שהוא עובד עבודה זרה ביום חגו, מפני שהדבר נראה כאילו מודה לו בפולחנו, ולכן אסר…

Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 31, 2022
Replying to

Very nice! Thank you!


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 31, 2022

HI Uncle Andy!! This was wonderful, and truthfully something I never thought too much about! I assumed that it was just a kind gesture, similar to saying hello, or good day when passing anybody on the street etc. Of course that doesn't answer the plural connotation in the phrase. This was very informative.

Based on what I understood to be the central theme, even if at one point they mentioned HaShems name to declare His divineness etc, the ultimate intention seems to be to convey positive feelings or convey peace like Rav Shapiro or the Mharshal...

Would you say then, that it is perhaps better to do so in the spoken language as it otherwise turns into a gesture and…

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