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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso 2.11 - Reuven Weinreb- Nashim saying brachos on Mitzvos asei shehzman garma

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Hello all! Moving on to the next one! Please get involved and share comments!

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12 jul 2023

I apologize to all that listened last week. There was an error in the recording, had a portion repeated and missing the end. It is now corrected.

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Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown
09 jul 2023

Thank you, Reuven.

> It was unclear to me if ultimately תוספות holds that a סומא is or is NOT מחויב in מצוות לא תעשה. And if so, מדרבנן or מדאורייתא ?

> In your discussion of the בית יוסף questions of תוספות, you indicated that the ר''ן answered that the concern of ברכה שאינה צריכה is "only דרבנן." So what: is that not still a problem with making the ברכה?

> When you were discussing the reference of a woman handling a לולב on שבת, you quoted an explanation that the case was one of a woman who did NOT want to do the מצווה, so the לולב would be מוקצה for her, which would preclude her being able…

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