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Toraso Coordinator

Toraso 2.10 - Aron Ezra Stein (that's Anne)

Thank you, Anne, for this presentation. I can't' say it's good yet - didn't do it! I am sure, as always, it will be excellent and will bring up great conversation.

Please comment and get involved. Continuing the path, we have been on this presentation is about the inyana diyoma that has just passed (Menasehe, Zechiras Amalek, Yonah, Charoses Anne, Sefiras Haomer) - when you do this you show your real love for Torah - not just being in the "in".

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Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown
Jul 09, 2023

Aron Ezra,

Very much liked your ideas and presentation. Your explanation resonated with me very comfortably. Similarly, I share your discomfort with the question of how one can make a bracha on a mitzva not yet completed ... with the concern that it might not get completed and למפרעה become a ברכה לבטלה. Wouldn't one have a problem making a ברכה on אכילת מצה because might choke or die before ate the entire כזית ?!

I enjoyed your Torah ... even though we are holding by "counting" Three Weeks, rather than 49 days/7 weeks!



Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Jun 21, 2023


I think what you are trying to say is to help me in not be maskim to how Rav Eliyahu Boruch understands tosfos's kashia on the bahags second halacha. Which was that if you say that if you miss a full day of sefira then you are done counting for the rest of sefira because the mitvah of sefira needs to be complete. And tosfos's question would be that how can you make a bracha ever on sefira from the first day? Maybe you are going to miss a day and the original bracha is going to be a bracha levatala? To which I said I don't really hear that because basher hu shaum you are counting good with…


Aron Stein
Aron Stein
Jun 21, 2023


My issue with Rav Eliyahu Baruch is that we see from the Brisker Rav( at least the way I was understanding him) is that he all the countings of sefira is one Mitzvah, and the only reason you make a bracha is because punkt you can't be mekiyim the entire mitzva all at one time. So the fact that you missed the bracha shouldn't matter because betzem it's all one mitvah to just count all the days. Each days bracha shouldnt be meakeiv the next days bracha.

In terms of what you brought down from the Maharam Shik, that seems to be what Rav Eliyahu Baruch is answering. That each day is it's own Mitzva, but in order to…


Shua Brown
Shua Brown
Jun 12, 2023

Thanks, Anne, for putting this together. (Actually, I put it together, that was 7 videos clearly:))

I enjoyed how you went at the real fundamentals - and would like to share a few comments:

I didn't understand your issue with Rav Elya Baruch question. His question is NOT that the brachas is meakev, which if it had been I hear your taana, his question IS that from this that the Bahag says you may not make a bracha shows that he himself agrees that when you do this you are not getting a kiyum mitzah with this counting and if so it should not be considered a counting that would be connected to the other counting's.

In regard to your…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Jun 09, 2023

Very Nice Anne! Great to hear your torah!

I was thinking an example of not like r eliyahu baruch question is something like shemona esray in general but particularly if there is an add on e.x. rosh chodesh not yotzai if forget but make each bracha... maybe hallel? etc...

I was thinking like his pshat that mitzva of counting can be separate but needs to be part of something bigger leading up to something so needs be full count...

In your pshat I would be interested to understand more about what it means that it is one big mitzva but each counting is chashuv to deserve a bracha eventhough not independent mitzva - is there another example of that, that…

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