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Toraso 1.3 Laivy Brown: בענין מעשר כספים

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

With the posting of this presentation, we have Bezras HaShem made a Chazaka! You are now locked in:)

Thank you to Laivy for sharing with us what is promising to be an amazing piece. It is clear from the outset that countless hours were put into the learning and preparation! We looked forward to an exciting discussion about this topic!

Here is also a link to an audio of the presentation:

Follow up notes:

Just some notes and clarifications…

  • Not everyone holds that even if it is דרבנן that is compared to maaser Ani. The מדרש תנחומא that the cc quotes and רמבן quotes as well seems to learn דרבנן and says for supporting torah as we saw so cld be נ"מ in that case again like ב"ח mentions that must follow those guidelines but not for poor person but perhaps דווקה to support learning as opposed to other גמ"ח--see jere that entire institution of maaser kesef acc to them BTW is to ensure torah is being learnt and thriving through the generations

  • Is a promise for supporting torah as well תיקף לתלמוד חכם ברכה so it is sep havtacha for supporting people in learning as well

    1. Also see this idea from גמ שבת קיט that we quoted bec gemrah gives that as the reason ppl in בבל were zoche to we wealthy

  • The יעבץ gives a "סברה" for why torah and רבנן did not make חיוב of מעשר and that is that not same as תבועה where perhaps made bec it's naturally replenished itself so giving away that money is not a true loss whereas by money that may not be case as much, none the less it is a מנהג and comes with many brachos (besides chiyuv of tzedakah) and is in category and accepted therefore treated as חק ולא יעבר


To further your learning:

shiur by Rabbi Daniel Kleinman (person wrote R Shmuel sefer)

Shiur by Rabbi Welcher (known posek in Queens NY)

102 views11 comments


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 05, 2021

HI Mensah, thanks for reviewing my presentation!

-It seems that there is a similar halacha to tzedaka, there is a very close overlap and the connection is not fully clear to me...

-Acc to anyone that holds it is not deorisa they disagree with the drashas or rayas, there are different ways to answer each, I duscuss this briefly in the presentation or follow up notes I believe, but just as an example, they would not agree with Tos or source he quotes that that the Kol is extra as I point out there are other pasukim with similar wording where it is not darshaned... -Not sure I understand why it would be harder but apparently those that use this as…


Menashe Brown
Mar 02, 2021

Firstly, I want to thank you for putting together this wonderful presentation. It is obvious that a lot of time and effort was put into learning this sugya and getting it clear. You did an amazing job putting the sugya together and making this topic of maaser, to which I have had very little exposure, even more clear.

I had a few questions that I am hoping you can clarify.

It is interesting that the concept of not giving too much would apply regarding maaser. Does this apply also to giving tzedakah (could’ve been answered in part three, but I’m not sure)?

According to those who learn that it is a D’rabanan, what do they do with the P’sukim that…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Mar 01, 2021

Abba, thank you for taking the time to review the presentation, I know you spent time going over it and appreciate the attention you gave.

  1. Yes. The concept of being able to test HaShem is related in the gemra in Taanis and is discussing maaser tevua it would seem and according to some mefarshim this entire gemra is discussing not only maaser tevua but also maaser kesafim just the same and would therfore apply equally to maaser kesef as it would to maaer kesafim...It seems from the Ohr Zerua that this is obvoius from the gemra itself, however I am not sure how he sees it directly, if you understand as tosfos does that maaser kesef is included in the…


Lawrence R. Brown
Feb 28, 2021


Thank you for your erudite presentation on an inyan/sugya to which I have had minimal previous exposure.

That accolade having been given ... I still feel very lost in the sugya, to NO fault of your presentation. Some thoughts & questions:

> Is the נפקא מינה between the two sources of the הלכה discussed in part one, with regard to our "right" to be able to test HaShem, based on the connection between מעשר כספים and מעשר תבואה, knowing that we are able to test HaShem with מעשר תבואה ?

> I believe that you sort of addressed this in response to a question that Shua asked, but the connection or logic between being able to test HaShem and…


Laivy Brown
Laivy Brown
Feb 24, 2021

-Hi Shua, thanks for listening! I did notice them, didn't get into them too much and felt worthwhile to mention and further investigation is definitely needed.

-To your second point, I ddint think about that, Uncle Andy emailed me in response and also mentioned that he believes one of the reasons the Boch perhaps concludes that it is a minhag is because of the lack of a concrete source...Sounds like acc to that if that is true or even if there is truth to that idea, that there may not be a specific time that is notable but rather something that evolved?...

-Point three that you make I may not have said clearly but my understanding is that it is…

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