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Writer's pictureShua Brown

Rabbi Wilhelm - Guest Speaker l'kavod Yom Tov.

As we continue with Uncle Andy's presentation - I have asked Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm, a chasuveh alumnus of Kollel KZE, and and 8th Grade rebbi in Yeshivas Ohr Baruch - The Veintzner Cheder, do give us a Shiur in honor of Yom Tov.

The Shiur is about learning the Halachos on each Yom Tov and is very enjoyable clear Shiur. Do it today. Click here.

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Shua Brown
Shua Brown

A gutten Moed Rabbi Wilhelm,

Thank you so much for spending the time to share with our Chabura this amazing Shtiekl. (Does the Rambam not have an opinion on this topic? I guess next Yom Tov.)

I had the pleasure of spending a learning Seder with my brother, Laivy, this morning and we chose to spend it watching your Chaburah, together. The following are ha'aros that we had when watching and discussing it.

Before the questions, we just want to clarify the end result here in regard to the Ran's question. You are suggesting that according to Rashi's explanation of the Gemara in Megila - Hilchos Chag B'chag, there is no question about the din of doing it on Yom…

Yisroel Wilhelm
Yisroel Wilhelm

Thank you for inviting me to be a guest on your Yeshiva Shel Maala.

Before I start to answer your questions I will answer the question that you asked before your questions. The answer is yes. According to Rashi the question of the Ran is not shver because its two different halachos.

Q#1: nice question.

Q#2: Very good question. I will quote what I wrote to Menashe who asked a similar question "Rashi explains that the reason the gemora has a tzad not to talk about purim when it falls out on shabbos, is because when purim is during the week, there is a din to read from a kosher megillah which has many halachos in the reading, and we are…


Menashe Brown

Good Moed Rabbi Wilhelm,

Thank you for agreeing to be the guest speaker. This was very enjoyable and informative!

Why is it that the gemara would have to mention purim, stating that you can discuss the halachos of that day even though you may be concerned about carrying the megillah? Wouldn't we have the same problem with regards to someone making a mistake and thinking that we shouldn't be able to discuss the inyanim of pesach if they fell out on shabbos out of concern that someone might come to carry the hagadda?

Yisroel Wilhelm
Yisroel Wilhelm

Very good question.

Rashi explains that the reason the gemora has a tzad not to talk about purim when it falls out on shabbos, is because when purim is during the week, there is a din to read from a kosher megillah which has many halachos in the reading, and we are afraid that if one would talk about purim on Shabbos he may come to carry the megillah on shabbos.

To answer your question, I would say true we might say you may come to carry the hagaddah, however, chazal only said not to talk about the halachos of the yom tov because you may carry the actual cheftza shel mitzva of the yom tov like the megilla butin…


Lawrence Brown
Lawrence Brown

Yasher koach and thank you, Rabbi Wilhelm. Your time and Torah are much appreciated.

> As you referenced the gemara referencing the matter of learning inyanim of Purim on Shabbos, I was wondering if there is an inyan to learn hilchos and inyanim of Shabbos on Shabbos? How does that impact upon the inyan to learn inyanim of chag b'chag when yomtom/chag falls on Shabbos?

> I imagine we would also extend the halacha of a rav giving preference to psak regarding an upcoming yomtov over other matters to giving preference to psak about Shabbos - according to the man d'amar who explains the gemara as such - perhaps even when the psak or discussion is not urgently timely l'ma'ase…

Yisroel Wilhelm
Yisroel Wilhelm

Its a big zchus to be able to join the Torah Initiative of this choshuva family.

That is a very nice question.

I will Bez"h look into it a bit more, however the gemara in the end of megillah mentions only Yomim Tovim not Shabbos.

Yisroel Wilhelm

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